Amar's JiGGy Site



WhAT uP SweeTumZ?  I know you wanted me to make you a card.  However, I took that idea one step higher.  You know me, I like to be creative and do things that are unexpected.  So, guess what?  I decided to design you a website.  The contents of this website deal strictly with you and me, juss basically everything you and I share, including my emotions, feelings, and thoughts regarding you.  I put alot of thought into it.  I hope you like what I came up with.  XxXxX                                                    

Want to know some hardcore ish that you probably already know 'bout me?  Want a taste of my lyricalistical skills?   Click -- >>    


                               Amar's Biography                               Amar's LyricsAmar's PoemzPoems for Manpreet ...  Click HeRe!         LoVe YoU

Love ... means alot to me... finD ouT heRe !

           It is no secret I love you to death ... Do you truly know why?  


                                                      Click HeRe to view our picture scrapbook. 


                                       Hope you have a wonderful upcoming Xmas and holiday season.                       You                 You deserve every lil' thing that comes your way in the coming weeks *winkies* 


                  You know that thing we do when our lips lock?  I call it an angel kissy, receive it here  


                                            Gimme a lil' one of those cyber Hugz                                    


                                                        Beauty of a woman                                                  

                                                                                                          You mean the world to me

                                                                            Your my Honey-Beelicious Kissious Misses


                                                I've gone bonkers over your love and sunshine ... 


                         I am thinking of you - Star light, star bright, I think of you every day and night



                                      I'll be there for you through thick and thin, hard times and good timesYOU ARE MY WORLD, YOU MEAN THE WORLD TO ME

            A little message for Manpreet ... Read Up!   


                            Amar:                          Sign Our Guestbook         

  Manpreet:                   View Our Guestbook